Central to our strategy to become a church that leads others into the abundant life that comes through Jesus Christ is our spiritual formation groups. We believe that it is possible to experience the life Jesus offers and to actually become like Jesus. This requires regular engagement in "soul-training exercises" done with the encouragement and accountability of fellow believers and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Currently our Spiritual Formation Group is making its way chapter by chapter through the book of 1st Peter, seeking to know Jesus better and become more like him by engaging what he teaches us through his word. If you'd like more information or are interested in joining us, contact Rob Laukoter at 304-610-3054.
Future studies may include other books of the Bible, an examination of our Essential Tenets or books on spiritual formation such as James Bryan Smith's Apprentice of Jesus series, which includes "The Good and Beautiful God," "The Good and Beautiful Life," and "The Good and Beautiful Community."